Happy Plant Update 3.8.7
Hi, Happy Planters! First off, hope you are all safe and taking care of yourselves during these weird times.
If quarantine teaches humans one thing, I hope it highlights the importance of plants and the life that they can bring into our homes! Holy crap….I love my green babies and I just gave birth to some tomatoes! lol
Anyhow, beyond the chaos, we fixed some bugs:
- When creating new plants, they are now automatically watered, so you won’t get confused if they still need to tap to water.
- Forgotten “days overdue” now start from the day it should have been watered.
We’ve also spent time updating our code as required by Apple. This will put us in a position to soon release a proper dark mode version.
Thanks again for being part of our Happy Plant journey. We love hearing from you, improving together, and hope Happy Plant makes caring for your green babies just a little more fun.
As always, please consider ratings our app as this is the best marketing we can ask for.