Happy Plant Update 3.8.9
Happy Planters! Dark mode-ers! 🌷 We finally have an update to jam too! Please update and enjoy the fun! Breakdance breakdown….🌼
DARK MODE 👻 – Now you can water your babies in dark mode without getting cross-eyed! We’ve adjusted the colors to be less contrasting. Take a peek and let us know what you think.
Additionally, while we fixed some annoying things to help our green baby mamas ❤️
- Troubleshoot days counters, ensure they work as expected
- Troubleshoot app icon counter, ensure counts as expected
- Now when adding a new plant, the first water alarm will go off for the following scheduled day. There was confusion when the first alarm was generated and so this should help solve this
- Fix: No more black transparent boxes showing up on time-lapse video
- Fix: when deleting a plant, remove notifications
Thanks again for being part of our Happy Plant journey. 🌻 We love hearing from you, improving together, and hope Happy Plant makes caring for your green babies just a little more fun.
Special hugs to everyone out there. Hope you’re doing well during these weird times.
As always, please consider ratings our app as this is the best marketing we can ask for.